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Jasmine Byrne


Birth name:

Mary Sanchez


Jamine Byrne, Jazmine Byrne, Jasmyn Byrne, Esmeralda




Riverside, California, USA



Race or Ethnicity:

Mexican American

Sexual orientation:





United States


157 cm - 5 feet and 2 inches

Hair color:

Dark Brown

Eye color:




Natural Bust:



Baby devil tattoo small of back, and cherries on fire top left of bush.


Jasmine Byrne - Pictures

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Additional Free Pictures of Jasmine Byrne


Jasmine Byrne - Biography


Jasmine was born January 23, 1985 in Riverside, CA. She is one of nine children and describes being unusually curious about sex at an early age. She enjoyed watching pornography and often fantasized about being a porn star herself. She was also a tomboy and played various sports throughout high school; softball, basketball and soccer. She began her career in the adult industry in 2003, when she answered an ad in the local newspaper for "adult models." Apparently though, the ad was somewhat misleading; it was an ad placed by T.L. Tycoon, an agent casting actresses in pornographic films. In a radio interview (AdultFYI Article) with "Wankus," host of the Los Angeles based Wanker Show she describes the experience and ensuing difficulties. She eventually decided to pursue a career in adult film and has been in nearly 200 movies since. Her first film was entitled "Young Tight Latinas 6." She appeared on The Late Show with Dave Letterman in February of 2005 to promote her latest video release. She is also a dominatrix in San Francisco, CA, working for a company called Cybernet. With Acid Digital, she plans to release an interactive "virtual" adult DVD, in which the audience is made to feel more involved with the main character of the film. This will be only the second interactive DVD to be released, the first was entitled "Virtual Katsumi." In 2005 Jasmine won two Rog Reviews Critics Choice awards for Best Female Performer and Best Newbie.






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