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Holly Marie Combs


Birth name:

Holly Marie Combs




San Diego, California, USA



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United States

Executive summary:

Piper Halliwell on Charmed


5' 3" (1.60 m)


Holly Marie Combs - Pictures

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Holly Marie Combs - Biography


Holly Marie Combs (born December 3, 1973) is an American film and television actress and producer. Her roles have included the portrayal of Piper Halliwell in the television series Charmed and of Kimberly Brock in Picket Fences. She received a Young Artist Award for her role in Picket Fences.

Although she had a number of minor roles in the late 1980s, including a brief speaking part in Oliver Stone's Born on the Fourth of July, Combs' major acting debut arrived in the 1992 TV drama series Picket Fences. She auditioned for the role of Kimberly while she was in New York. The casting agent told her that she wasn't right for the part because, "She didn't have a big enough heart." Combs retorted, "If you're looking for someone with a big heart, what the hell are you doing in New York?" She was later called back and offered the job. Picket Fences ran for four years, winning Combs critical acclaim and a Young Artist award.
In 1992, Combs made her appearance in Simple Men, Chain of Desire, and Dr. Giggles, in which she plays its protagonist, the 19-year-old daughter of Cliff De Young's character and girlfriend of Glenn Quinn's character, Jennifer Campbell.
In 1997, she played real-life convicted murderess Diane Zamora in the television movie Swearing Allegiance, a far cry from her other good girl roles. Combs was with her friend Shannen Doherty when Doherty was given the pilot script for Charmed. Doherty took Combs along to the audition when Combs said she wanted to take part in the audition. When they did, Combs auditioned for the role of Prue Halliwell and Doherty for Piper Halliwell, but they ended up switching roles. Alyssa Milano and Combs both became producers for Charmed in the fifth season. For the first three seasons of Charmed (debuted in 1998 and was a hit TV series, which ended in May 2006), Combs played the second oldest of the three sisters. When the eldest, Doherty, left after the third season and Rose McGowan joined the cast for the fourth season, Combs played the eldest sister for the remaining five seasons of the show. This is all while she was the youngest of all four actresses.
In 2008, Combs signed a contract with Lifetime Television to produce and star in a new TV series, Mistresses which was originally scheduled to air in January 2009, but was not picked up.

In 1993, Combs married Brian "Travis" Smith; they divorced in 1997. She then went on to marry former Charmed key-grip and long-time boyfriend David Donoho on February 14, 2004. They are the parents of three sons: Finley Arthur Donoho (born April 26, 2004), Riley Edward Donoho (born October 26, 2006) and Kelley James Donoho (born May 26, 2009), all born by caesarian section. Combs kept her third pregnancy a secret due to it being high risk with a delivery at 35 weeks.
Combs has four tattoos:she has a rose on her right shoulder blade, a butterfly on the inside of her right wrist, an Anglo Saxon design around her left wrist, and a Tribal design around her right wrist, which was repaired in November 2000 because the original design was unbalanced.
In an article in ePregnancy Magazine, Combs admits she had been smoking from the age of fifteen whenever she was nervous. That changed as soon as she found out about her pregnancy with her first child, when she decided to immediately stop:
To stop smoking was actually really easy because I had already started to cut down. My husband is asthmatic and he just can't for the life of him imagine why anybody would put smoke in their mouth, so he really helped me to start cutting down.... Then when I got pregnant the smell of other people's cigarette smoke was so heinous to me that it made me not want to have a cigarette ever again. It's kind of like cheating when it's so easy to quit because you can't take the smell!
Combs was once asked how she balances her career with motherhood. She responded, "You never feel like you’re one hundred percent at either one. I don’t ever feel like I’m the best actress I can be or the best mother I can be".
Combs currently lives in Bell Canyon, San Fernando Valley in Los Angeles with her husband and children.


Holly Marie Combs - Personal Quotes


"I have no interest in a guy who doesn't know the right end of a screwdriver."

[About having a child, shortly before getting pregnant] "For some reason everybody on the set - except for me - thinks I should get pregnant for real. It's like they all got together and I've been nominated! Honestly, the thought of having a baby scares me!"

(About topless pictures of her on the internet.) "I did one topless scene when I was 20. There was no thought in my mind that they could freeze that moment into 15 different pictures. The worst, I was thinking, was that stupid guy friends of mine could rewind it and play it again."

I was the product of very young parents, and they had wild ways. My mother was in a punk band. Rebelling would have been learning to play piano.

(On the miracle of motherhood.) Now, as an actress and a person, it has completely broadened my horizons because I have such a deep level of empathy for everyone. It opens you up and you're like a bleeding heart. It's funny, because you can be such a guarded person in your personal life and try to protect yourself from all these worries and hurts, but when you have a kid, you're suddenly this feeling being. When Finley gets his vaccinations, it kills me, and you can't protect yourself from that. My heart is being ripped out with every shot. It's a deeper level of emotion that I wasn't prepared to feel, but it's completely amazing. It has opened me up both as a person and as an actress. Everything has a deeper meaning now.

(On her baby, Finley) Thank God, he's such a good traveler. He adapts so well. He can pretty much sleep anywhere. I was very, very worried about him having a normal kind of life and being comfortable and not carted around everywhere, but he's so good. We went on location in Las Vegas with my husband and we'd go out to the casino and he thinks there's just a lot of people in the living room. Like, wow, it's kind of loud and there's a lot of people here today.

(On Alyssa & Rose's escapades with her baby, Finley) They take him in the makeup trailer and do bad things to his hair. The girls gave him a mohawk the other day. So I can't let him out of my sight for very long.

(On motherhood) It's weird. When you become a mom you just learn how to function sleep deprived and you do get used to it. I came back to work when he was three months old and the first few months were rough. And then somehow you learn to exist on no sleep. And now when he does upon occasion sleep through the night, which is like a full six hours, you're pretty sure he's suffocating. So you don't sleep anyway.

(On motherhood) It's changed just about everything about my life. It definitely puts everything in perspective. Things that were so important to you mean absolutely nothing and the status of his diaper means absolutely everything.

"The WB never treated us well, so we didn't expect a lot of farewell wishes and flowers or cards."

There are occasional food fights. We had Friday-night grape night. Because when I had the scene with Josh and the wine, we started picking up the plastic grapes and throwing them at each other. By Friday night we were so tired, and the director couldn't control us! There were grapes all over the floor.

"Felicity Huffman is just flawless, she's above and beyond TV and movies and this Earth."


Holly Marie Combs - Filmography


Memories of Murder (2010) .... Layla Michaels
Mistresses (2009) (TV) .... Jane Satterfield
... aka BFF's (USA: alternative title)
... aka Jane, Shannon, Ava and Kate (USA: alternative title)
Point of Entry (2007) (TV) .... Katherine Alden
... aka Panic Button (USA: alternative title)
"Charmed" .... Piper Halliwell (179 episodes, 1998-2006)
- Forever Charmed (2006) TV episode .... Piper Halliwell
- Kill Billie: Vol. 2 (2006) TV episode .... Piper Halliwell
- Gone with the Witches (2006) TV episode .... Piper Halliwell
- The Jung and the Restless (2006) TV episode .... Piper Halliwell
- The Torn Identity (2006) TV episode .... Piper Halliwell
(174 more)
See Jane Date (2003) (TV) .... Natasha Nutley
Loomis (2001) (TV) .... Emily Jennings
Love's Deadly Triangle: The Texas Cadet Murder (1997) (TV) .... Diane Zamora
... aka Swearing Allegiance (UK)
"Relativity" .... Anne Pryce (1 episode, 1997)
- Billable Hours (1997) TV episode .... Anne Pryce
Daughters (1997) (TV) .... Alex Morrell
... aka Our Mother's Murder
"Picket Fences" .... Kimberly Brock (87 episodes, 1992-1996)
- Liver Let Die (1996) TV episode .... Kimberly Brock
- To Forgive Is Devine (1996) TV episode .... Kimberly Brock
- Forget Selma (1996) TV episode .... Kimberly Brock
- Winner Takes All (1996) TV episode .... Kimberly Brock
- Bye-Bye, Bey-Bey (1996) TV episode .... Kimberly Brock
(82 more)
Sins of Silence (1996) (TV) .... Sophie DiMatteo
Vector (1996) .... Maggie St. James
A Reason to Believe (1995) .... Sharon
A Perfect Stranger (1994) (TV) .... Amanda Hale
... aka Danielle Steel's 'A Perfect Stranger' (USA: complete title)
Island City (1994) (TV) (uncredited) .... Erin Sloan
Fishing with George (1994) .... Tamsin Orchard
Chain of Desire (1992) .... Diana
Dr. Giggles (1992) .... Jennifer Campbell
Simple Men (1992) .... Kim
... aka Uomini semplici (Italy)
Topper (1992) (uncredited) .... Gwen Kerby
"The Guiding Light" .... Louisa (2 episodes, 1990)
... aka Guiding Light (USA: new title)
- Episode #1.11039 (1990) TV episode .... Louisa
- Episode #1.11001 (1990) TV episode .... Louisa
Born on the Fourth of July (1989) .... Jenny
New York Stories (1989) (uncredited) .... Costume Party Guest (Section 'Life Without Zoe')
Sweet Hearts Dance (1988) .... Debs Boon


Holly Marie Combs  - Related Links

Wikipedia: Holly Marie Combs
YouTube: Holly Marie Combs

Holly Marie Combs





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